Individual Membership signup or renewal (Direct Debit)

Membership signup

Thank you for becoming a Member of the RSCM, and welcome to our family! To see an up-to-date list of Individual Member benefits, please head to Our Website. Our fees and benefits are reviewed annually.

Please select the Membership category below and on completion of the process, you will be taken to our Direct Debit provider (GoCardless) to set up the Direct Debit. You will receive confirmation messages from GoCardless which are not always sent immediately.

Please note that for Overseas Members wanting to pay by Direct Debit, this is only possible in Pound Sterling from a UK bank account.

Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Contact Information
If you are applying for under 25 membership, please give your date of birth here.